Nail Surgery
Although ingrown toenails can often be successfully treated as part of routine podiatry care, in some instances where the problem is more severe or is very persistent/recurring your Podiatrist may recommend nail surgery to remove the part of the nail which is causing a problem. This is a quick and simple procedure that can be carried out in under 2 hours and usually has a relatively short recovery time of 2 weeks post-procedure.
You will be invited to attend a pre-surgery assessment with your clinician who will review your suitability for surgery and will then explain the procedure and what to expect. You will receive plenty of advice on aftercare as well as 3 complimentary redressing appointments to ensure the toe is healing effectively and discuss any concerns you may have.
Please note that nail surgery uses local anaesthetic so if you have any concerns regarding compatibility with your current medication speak to your Podiatrist in the first instance.
Book now for an initial assessment, or learn more about ingrown toenails and their causes.
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